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Antares: Recreating the Demo - Utility Section

Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Antares Demo for Joomla


The Utility section includes three particles: Promo Content, Block Content, and Animated Block. These particles occupy one of three module positions: Utility A, Utility B, and Utility C.

Here is a breakdown of the module(s) and particle(s) that appear in this section:

Section Settings

Option Setting
Layout Fullwidth (Boxed Content)
CSS Classes Blank
Tag Attributes Blank

Promo Content (Particle)

The Promo Content particle is a Gantry 5 Particle module placed within the utility-a module position. Adding a particle to a module position can be done by creating a Gantry 5 Particle module, adding the particle using the settings found in the section below, and assigning it to the position.

Module Position Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Utility

Option Setting
Particle Name FP Utility A
Key utility-a
Chrome gantry

Block Settings

Demo Utility

Option Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes fp-utility-a
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Fixed Size Unchecked
Block Size 100%

Promo Content Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Utility

Option Setting
Particle Name Promo Content
CSS Classes Blank
Title Gantry 5
Promo Style Standard
Subpromo Text Blank
Promo Text Blank
Description The Gantry 5 Framework is an ideal platform for users of all levels, whether beginners or web professionals. It has been written from the ground up to focus on speed and performance, whether the frontend or backend.
Readmore Text Explore
Readmore Classes button-alt button-special
Link #
Link Target Self
Readmore Style Block
Tags Blank
Alt Button Label Blank
Alt Button Link Blank
Alt Button Target Self
Alt Button Classes Blank

Block Content (Particle)

The Block Content particle is a Gantry 5 Particle module placed within the utility-b module position. Adding a particle to a module position can be done by creating a Gantry 5 Particle module, adding the particle using the settings found in the section below, and assigning it to the position.

Module Position Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Utility

Option Setting
Particle Name FP Utility B
Key utility-b
Chrome gantry

Block Settings

Demo Utility

Option Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes fp-utility-b
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Fixed Size Unchecked
Block Size 100%

Block Content Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Utility

Option Setting
Particle Name Block Content
CSS Classes g-blockcontent-style-1
Title Blank
Image Blank
Headline Blank
Description Blank
Button Blank
Button Text Blank
Button Target Self
Button Classes Blank
Icon Blank
Alt Text Blank
Item 1 Name Layout
Item 1 Title Layout
Item 1 Icon fa fa-th fa-fw fa-2x
Item 1 Image Blank
Item 1 RokBox Image Blank
Item 1 Caption Blank
Item 1 Sub Title Blank
Item 1 Description The Layout manager provides drag-and-drop functionality with power to move, resize, and configure content in seconds.
Item 1 CSS Classes Blank
Item 1 Button Label Blank
Item 1 Button Link Blank
Item 1 Button Classes Blank

Animated Block (Particle)

The Animated Block particle is a Gantry 5 Particle module placed within the utility-c module position. Adding a particle to a module position can be done by creating a Gantry 5 Particle module, adding the particle using the settings found in the section below, and assigning it to the position.

Module Position Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Utility

Option Setting
Particle Name FP Utility C
Key utility-c
Chrome gantry

Block Settings

Demo Utility

Option Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes fp-utility-c
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Fixed Size Unchecked
Block Size 100%

Animated Block Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Utility

Option Setting
Particle Name Animated Block
CSS Classes Blank
Title Blank
Grid Column 5 Columns
Button Blank
Link Blank
Target Self
Item 1 Name Menu
Item 1 Image Custom
Item 1 Headline Blank
Item 1 Tag Menu
Item 1 Description Blank
Item 1 Icon fa fa-list-ul fa-fw
Item 1 Read More +
Item 1 Link #
Item 1 Target Self

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