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Antares: Recreating the Demo - Above Section

Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Antares Demo for Joomla


Grid Promo Gallery (Particle)
Grid Promo Gallery (Particle)
Grid Promo Gallery (Particle)
Grid Promo Gallery (Particle)

The Above section includes four Grid Promo Gallery particles assigned to four different module positions: Above A, Above B, Above C, and Above D.

Here is a breakdown of the module(s) and particle(s) that appear in this section:

Section Settings

Option Setting
Layout Fullwidth (Boxed Content)
CSS Classes Blank
Tag Attributes Blank

Grid Promo Gallery (Particle) 1

The Grid Promo Gallery particle is a Gantry 5 Particle module placed within the above-a module position. Adding a particle to a module position can be done by creating a Gantry 5 Particle module, adding the particle using the settings found in the section below, and assigning it to the position.

Module Position Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Above

Option Setting
Particle Name FP Above A
Key above-a
Chrome gantry

Block Settings

Demo Above

Option Setting
Grid Promo Gallery CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes fp-above-a
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Fixed Size Unchecked
Block Size 50%

Grid Promo Gallery Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Above

Option Setting
Particle Name Grid Promo Gallery
CSS Classes Blank
Title Blank
Description Blank
Readmore Text Blank
Readmore Link Blank
Readmore Link Target Self
Readmore Style Button 3
Grid Column 1 Column
Item 1 Name Easily configure complex layouts with Gantry 5 Drag & Drop interface for the whole site or specific pages
Item 1 CSS Classes g-promogallery-style-1
Item 1 Image Custom
Item 1 Tag Layout Configuration
Item 1 Title Blank
Item 1 Description <span>Easily configure complex layouts with the Powerful Gantry 5 Drag & Drop interface for the whole site <span class="hidden-tablet">or specific pages</span></span>
Link #
Target Self

Grid Promo Gallery (Particle) 2

The Grid Promo Gallery particle is a Gantry 5 Particle module placed within the above-b module position. Adding a particle to a module position can be done by creating a Gantry 5 Particle module, adding the particle using the settings found in the section below, and assigning it to the position.

Module Position Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Above

Option Setting
Particle Name FP Above B
Key above-b
Chrome gantry

Block Settings

Demo Above

Option Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes fp-above-b
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Fixed Size Unchecked
Block Size 50%

Grid Promo Gallery Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Above

Option Setting
Particle Name Grid Promo Gallery
CSS Classes Blank
Title Blank
Description Blank
Readmore Text Blank
Readmore Link Blank
Readmore Link Target Self
Readmore Style Button 3
Grid Column 2 Columns
Item 1 Name Advanced menu with dropdown, columns and more
Item 1 CSS Classes g-promogallery-style-1
Item 1 Image Custom
Item 1 Tag Menu Editor
Item 1 Title Blank
Item 1 Description Advanced menu with dropdown, columns and more
Link #
Target Self

Grid Promo Gallery (Particle) 3

The Grid Promo Gallery particle is a Gantry 5 Particle module placed within the above-c module position. Adding a particle to a module can be done by creating a Gantry 5 Particle module, adding the particle using the settings found in the section below, and assigning it to the position.

Module Position Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Above

Option Setting
Particle Name FP Above C
Key above-c
Chrome gantry

Block Settings

Demo Above

Option Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes fp-above-c
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Fixed Size Unchecked
Block Size 50%

Grid Promo Gallery Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Above

Option Setting
Particle Name Grid Promo Gallery
CSS Classes Blank
Title Blank
Description Blank
Readmore Text Blank
Readmore Link Blank
Readmore Link Target Self
Readmore Style Button 3
Grid Column 2 Columns
Item 1 Name A quick and easy way to create complex content
Item 1 CSS Classes g-promogallery-style-2 g-border-right
Item 1 Image Custom
Item 1 Tag Particle
Item 1 Title Blank
Item 1 Description A quick and easy way to create complex content
Link #
Target Self

Grid Promo Gallery (Particle) 4

The Grid Promo Gallery particle is a Gantry 5 Particle module placed within the above-d module position. Adding a particle to a module position can be done by creating a Gantry 5 Particle module, adding the particle using the settings found in the section below, and assigning it to the position.

Module Position Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Above

Option Setting
Particle Name FP Above D
Key above-d
Chrome gantry

Block Settings

Demo Above

Option Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes fp-above-d
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Fixed Size Unchecked
Block Size 50%

Grid Promo Gallery Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Above

Option Setting
Particle Name Grid Promo Gallery
CSS Classes Blank
Title Blank
Description Blank
Readmore Text Blank
Readmore Link Blank
Readmore Link Target Self
Readmore Style Button 3
Grid Column 2 Columns
Item 1 Name A quick and easy way to create complex content
Item 1 CSS Classes g-promogallery-style-1
Item 1 Image Custom
Item 1 Tag FlexSlider
Item 1 Title Blank
Item 1 Description Display volumes of content with FlexSlider particle
Link #
Target Self

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