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PageSpeed Insights feedback on RT Gantry and templates

  • PageSpeed Insights feedback on RT Gantry and templates

    Posted 10 years 2 months ago
    • In an attempt to find the ever optimal balance between page load/access speed and features and what is the best platform and the "sweet spot", I've been doing a lot of testing of how the following rate using sites like PageSpeed. I've tested the following with NO additional content so it's an accurate representation of a default install:

      1. Hand coded using core frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation (also using things like Ajax)
      2. Base Joomla and WordPress installs
      3. Joomla and WordPress with only Gantry

      I've also looked at other frameworks and plugging in the various sites URLs, like bootstrap.com

      There seems to be a couple of consistent things that pop up I'm wondering if Gantry will address these as far as being defaults? #'s 2-4 below seem easy enough to fix and would be good to have out of the box? I'm pretty sure #1 can't be avoided due to features that must be pre-loaded?

      1. Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
      2. Minify CSS
      3. Minify JavaScript
      4. Size tap targets appropriately

      I'm very curious as to anyone's feedback? I am aware Afterburner scores (using the demo URL) are quite high but the following are still listed and seem like really simple changes that would create a higher score?

      1. Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content
      2. Prioritize visible content
      3. Leverage browser caching
      4. Minify JavaScript
    • Best,
      Michael Buttitta
  • Re: PageSpeed Insights feedback on RT Gantry and templates

    Posted 10 years 1 week ago
    • Hi,

      I would like to know how I can achive render-blocking for JS & JQuery for a site developed using afterburner2. The mobile and desktop speeds on Google Page Speed are not very good. Is there a way to implement the code found here: www.feedthebot.com/pagespeed/defer-loading-javascript.html into the RocketTheme templates?

      I have looked at the index.php file for the template and cant see any <script> tags in there so must be looking in the wrong place.

      the URL I am trying to speed up is www.estherjonesyoga.co.uk

      Thanks in advance.

  • Re: PageSpeed Insights feedback on RT Gantry and templates

    Posted 10 years 1 week ago
    • I have an interest in this too. I'm using the Diametric template ver 1.6 and Joomla 3.2.3. I have high speed access to the web. I started a site a year ago, had to set it aside and now I'm revisting it and brought everything up to date. From day one I've never been happy at how long it takes to load. It takes 7 seconds of viewing a white page before it all shows up on a desktop browser. The Google Speed tool rates the mobile version a 58.

      The reason for setting aside the ski site was the php software on the server where it lives was too old. I had to quickly drum up an html version mimicing Diametric look as best I could. It looks good and loads fast but the menu item changes are a killer. The php on the server now can handle Joomla and now the ski season is over I want to pick up where I left off. Sorry for this little explaination but I really want to use Diametric template but I hesitate if I can't speed it up.


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