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Anacron: Recreating the Demo - Feature

Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Anacron Theme for WordPress

Feature Section

Here is the widget breakdown for the Feature section:


This section of the page is a standard text widget. You will need to enter the following in the main text field.

<div class="gantry-width-80 gantry-width-block rt-center rt-margin-auto">
    <p>The Dynamic, Scrolling Header, is a custom design feature that adds an animation effect the header, where the logo and menu are contained, whereby the header elegantly collapses upon downward scroll and smoothly reappears on upward scroll.</p>

<div class="clear"></div>

<span class="rt-title-divider"></span>

<div class="gantry-width-33 gantry-width-block rt-left">
    <div class="gantry-width-spacer">
        <h2><span class="title-icon  icon-th"></span><span>Responsive</span></h2>
        <p>A responsive layout adapts to the viewing device, whether mobile, tablet or a small or larger desktop, to ensure your site is accessible on all devices.</p>
<div class="gantry-width-33 gantry-width-block rt-left">
    <div class="gantry-width-spacer">
        <h2><span class="title-icon  icon-signal"></span><span>Dropdown Menu</span></h2>
        <p>Dropdown is a CSS based menu system with advanced features such as multiple columns, inline icons, custom widths, on a per menu item basis.</p>

<div class="gantry-width-33 gantry-width-block rt-left">
    <div class="gantry-width-spacer">
        <h2><span class="title-icon  icon-thumbs-up"></span><span>Great Support</span></h2> 
        <p>Receive exclusive access to the Anacron communty forum board for additional assistance, alongside the free and online documentation.</p>

<div class="clear"></div>

Here is a breakdown of options changes you will want to make to match the demo.

  • Enter Dynamic, Scrolling Header in the Title field.
  • Set the Align Variation option to RT-Center.
  • Enter fp-feature in the Custom Variations field.
  • Leaving everything else at its default setting, select Save.

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