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RocketTheme Blog

Gantry 5 Beta Coming to WordPress

Gantry 5

Gantry 5 is coming to WordPress, bringing the next-generation theming framework to the world's most popular content management system (CMS).

Consistent, Cross-platform User Experience

Gantry 5

One of the biggest advantages to using Gantry 5 is its consistent user experience. Whether you're configuring your theme on Joomla or WordPress, the administrator works the same way across platforms. This makes migration from one CMS to the next much easier as your settings are compatible with one-another.

With support coming to additional content management systems such as phpBB, Magento, and Grav: Gantry 5 becomes a clear choice for developers that work with multiple platforms and appreciate a clean, consistent user experience. This translates to faster theming, and a better overall workflow.

For advanced developers building their own Gantry-powered themes, the process of creating a theme for WordPress is virtually identical to doing so for Joomla. In fact, with only minor differences between the two platforms, Gantry 5 makes it possible to create rich, dynamic themes for multiple platforms parallel for WordPress, Joomla, and beyond.

Powerful Content Controls

Gantry 5

Gantry and WordPress work great together, in part because of the incorporation of powerful content controls that make it easy to configure how content appears in various pages. We have kept the content administrative panel that users have loved from Gantry 4 and revamped it to match the look and ease-of-use of Gantry 5.

This includes settings that determine how content is displayed (columns, leading and intro posts, etc.), what information about that content appears (meta data, etc.), and more.

Innovative Tools and Features

Gantry 5

Gantry 5's innovative Menu Editor, Layout Manager, Styles settings, and full set of file, icon, font, and color pickers are available just as they are on Joomla. All of this can be put to use right away without any programming experience necessary. You can change virtually any aspect of your theme from its color base to its font with a click of the mouse, or a tap on your touchscreen.

Gantry 5 is built from the ground up to be touch friendly. Whether you are configuring your website at your desk or poolside on your tablet, there is no better experience out there.

Coming Soon

RocketTheme is planning to start rolling out WordPress support through Gantry 5's CI builds soon, as well as native WordPress support for the free Hydrogen theme, so you can try out Gantry 5 for yourself.

Keep an eye on Gantry's official blog, as well as our Twitter and Facebook feeds, for the latest news.

Also: Look for this and RocketTheme's first premium WordPress theme built on Gantry 5, Callisto, coming soon.

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