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MediaMogul Custom Modules

Learn all about the exciting new RocketTheme exclusive modules that are included in the MediaMogul template release. Here you can find instructions for installation and configuration for each of the custom modules.

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Step One: Installing the Module

Step Two: Publishing the Module


The RokNewsFlash module displays your small pieces of info across the top of your MediaMogul website. Simply publish the module to the newsflash position with the title set to hide.


The RokMediaScroller module provides a smooth scrolling functionality allowing you to display multiple media items. The module has the ability to pull items from a feed, such as a youtube feed or flickr feed, and display them neatly on your site.

Thee RokMediaScroller is available in the MediaMogul downloads section (mediamogul_extensions_j10). After installation, the parameters are accessible from the following path Admin > Modules > Site Modules > RokMediaScroller . Setup is as follows:- You can also use a script version of this functionality in order to create your own custom thumbnail and link content. This approach can be seen in action on the demo frontpage. Instructions for setting up a custom module using the raw script are available on the Demo Content Tutorial Page.


Module Configuration

You can choose to use an installable module for the RokNewsRotator. The settings are accessible from the following path Admin > Modules > Site Modules > RokNewsRotator . Setup is as follows:- If you wish to place inside a Static Content Item, follow the instructions below:-
  1. Navigate to Admin > Site > Template Manager > Module Positions
  2. Find an empty field and input rotator and save
  3. Navigate to Admin > Modules > Site Modules > RokNewsRotator
  4. Assign the module to the rotator position
  5. Create your static content item
  6. Insert the following syntax {mosloadposition rotator} into the content item (use {loadposition rotator} for Joomla 1.5)

    The static content will now load the module
All you need to do now is to create some content items which are assigned to the category/section you chose in the module settings. In the content item, you will need to use the following syntax to load the image with the correct styling. The code is content editor HTML mode friendly.
<!--IMAGE image_path IMAGE-->
An example is as follows
<!--IMAGE images/stories/lego/rotator-3.jpg IMAGE-->
Place the image code at the top of your content item and write your content after it.

Integrated RokSlide Tabbed Modules

For MediaMogul, we have integrated RokSlide into the core of the template so you have the RokSlide functionality in terms of tabs with stylish transitional effects with the modular layout of the template.

RokSlide by default has 5 tabs available. Each tab has a module position ranging from User12 to User16, respective to the individual tab. Therefore, you have a single modular position per tab but you have the option of applying multiple modules to a single position. For example, you can assign 3 modules to the User12 position and they will appear in a horizontal layout in Tab 1.


Configuration of the integrated RokSlide itself is primarily controlled in the index.php with the other template
configurations. Below is a snippet related to the integrated rokslide:-
// module slider configuration

$modules_list  = array(array("title"=>"Group 1 Stuff", "module"=>"user12"),

		 array("title"=>"Group 2 Panel", "module"=>"user13"),

		 array("title"=>"Group 3 Collection", "module"=>"user14"),

		 array("title"=>"Group 4 Assortment", "module"=>"user15"),

		 array("title"=>"Group 5 Items", "module"=>"user16"));

$module_slider_height = 200;   // height in px

$max_mods_per_row     = 3;     // maximum number of modules per row 
                                 (adjust the height if this wraps)

With the setting $module_list, you can control the aspects of the integrated rokslide feature to a great extent. You can control the tab title and also the module position which appears in each of the tabs.
In the code snippet, we have 5 lines, each line controls a single tab. Each line is segregated into 2 distinct parts. These are "title"=>"Tab Title", which controls the Tab Title. The second part is "module"=>"Module Position"),

Module Slider Height

This setting controls the height of the Module Slider in pixels.
$module_slider_height = 200;   // height in px
In addition to setting the module slider height in the parameters, you will also need to specify a height for the #moduleslider-size in the "template_css.css" as well to ensure that the module slider shows at the proper size.
#moduleslider-size {
	height: 250px;

Module Count

The module configuration variable below controls how many consecutive modules you can have for a position.
$max_mods_per_row = 3; // max number of modules per row (if wraps, adjust height)

Adding new positions

With the integrated RokSlide, you will find that you may need to add extra module positions. These positions are User10-User16 and search. These are not available by default in Joomla so you will need to create these yourself. To do this, follow the instructions below:-
  1. Login into the Joomla administrator
  2. Navigate to Site -> Template Manager -> Module Positions
  3. In the column called Positions, find a blank field
  4. Once found, enter User10
  5. Find another and insert search and User11 up to User16
  6. Select Save
The standard RokSlide module will not function correctly when used at the same time as MediaMogual integrated rokslide tabbed module system, which is located at the bottom of the template and enabled by default.

Original RokSlide

These settings are specifically for use with the "orginal" RokSlide module from previous template (not included with the MediaMogual release). This option is only for use when MediaMogual built in tabbed module system is removed or disabled. In the Module configuration, set the following options: