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  • Basic Tutorials
  • Responsive Support Classes

Understanding Responsive Support Classes

Your guide to using responsive support classes in RocketTheme templates.

Another useful feature available, via Bootstrap, is the collection of responsive utility classes that can be used to help tweak layouts by providing a simple method of showing or hiding modules. Insert the following module class suffixes into your module settings to show/hide a module for a particular mode.

Class Phones (<= 767px) Tablets (768-959px) Desktops (960-1199px) Desktops (>= 1200px)
visible-phone Visible Hidden Hidden Hidden
visible-tablet Hidden Visible Hidden Hidden
visible-desktop Hidden Hidden Visible Visible
visible-large Hidden Hidden Hidden Visible
hidden-phone Hidden Visible Visible Visible
hidden-tablet Visible Hidden Visible Visible
hidden-desktop Visible Visible Hidden Hidden
hidden-large Visible Visible Visible Hidden

As an example, if you wish to have a login module appear on desktop and tablet devices, but not necessarily phones, you can place hidden-phone in the Module Class Suffix field (as pictured below). This will allow the module to remain visible on any device displaying the page at a width above 768, allowing you to maintain the look you wish to achieve across multiple device types.

This feature enables you to make the most of your site without sacrificing its clean appearance due to limitations in screen size.

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