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Fresco: Recreating the Demo - FP Sidebar

Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Fresco Template for Joomla

FP Sidebar

We used a mod_custom module to make up this area of the front page. You will find the settings used in our demo below.

Any mod_custom (Custom HTML) are best handled using either RokPad or no editor as a WYSIWYG editor can cause issues with any code that exists in the Custom Output field.


Option Setting
Title FP Sidebar
Show Title Hide
Position sidebar-a
Status Published
Access Public
Language All
Note Blank

Custom Output

Enter the following in the Custom Output text editor.

<strong>RocketLauncher</strong> is a custom Joomla package that will <a href="/?amp;view=article&amp;id=8&amp;Itemid=115">install</a> the <strong>demo</strong> onto your site. Demo images are replaced with <strong>sample images</strong> to avoid any copyright issue.


Option Setting
Prepare Content Yes
Select a Background Image Blank


Option Setting
Module Class Suffix box2 nomarginbottom nopaddingbottom

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