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Fluent: Case Studies Particle

Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Fluent Demo for Joomla


The Case Studies particle is an excellent particle for displaying image content in a clean, modern way.

Here are the topics covered in this guide:


Main Options

These options affect the main area of the particle, and not the individual items within. You can set the title of the particle, as well as give it an introductory paragraph here.

Option Description
CSS Classes Set the CSS class(es) you would like to have apply at the particle level.
Title Enter a title for the particle that appears on the front end.
Grid Columns Select a number of columns to display.

The items in this section create categories with the names assigned to the items. Sub-items include individual images in these categories.

Item Options

These items make up the individual featured items in the particle.

Option Description
Item Name Enter a title for the item that appears on the front end.
Layout Select a layout type for the item.
Variation Choose between a Light and Dark variation.
Image Select an image.
Subtitle Enter title text.
URL Enter a URL you wish to have the item link to.
Target Choose a target tab for the URL.

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